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Top 5 Reasons You Should Hire a Marketing Agency

Many businesses ponder hiring a marketing agency. We've been asked this question numerous times at Bold x Collective, so we thought we'd share our top 5 reasons why you should hire a marketing agency for your company. 

1. You get access to a wide range of skills

When you bring in an external marketing agency, you have the opportunity to learn, experience, and benefit from a variety of different skills. 

As a marketing agency, we work with professional copywriters, content creators, social media experts, strategists and more. We work with marketing, advertising, creative and branding on the daily, therefore, we have the talent all business owners need, on our team. 

2. Experience

A marketing agency has a team that usually comes from a wide variety of diverse backgrounds with previous work experience, whether it is content creation or branding, market research and more. In addition, the agency as a whole also has experience working with companies around the city and more. 

If you are looking for long-term experience and extensive expertise across different marketing activities, an agency is the way to go. 

3. Up-to-date

A new social media trend is gaining traction? New analytics technology is available? Any good agency will know this before everyone else does.

When working in marketing and advertising, marketing agencies come equipped with all necessary technology for analytics, social media post scheduling, SEO & more. As for current trends, an agency is constantly monitoring new tactics and formats because they are constantly experimenting with them while observing the impacts on each audience and platform.

You can always depend on your agency to be up-to-date with all the latest trends and technology. You might be too focused on your running your business to stay on top of these constantly evolving trends and technologies, but staying informed about these is our main priority.

Focus on the long term and always do what’s right to grow the company
— Adam D’angelo

4. You will save money

Marketing agencies are not on your internal payroll. As a business, you will save money on training employees, orientation, benefits, vacation pay, insurance and payroll expenses. In addition, you may save money on HR management costs. Hiring an agency is a cost-effective decision. 

5. New Perspectives

There are many instances where your business can use an outside perspective. Maybe a marketing tactic that you had previously attempted didn’t work and you can’t seem to understand why. A third party can relate to your audience, sometimes in a way that you can’t, helping you see things you may have missed.

Marketing agencies have experience experimenting different marketing tactics for a variety of companies so they tend to know what works and what does not. In addition, a third party can put themselves in the customers position and help you with advice. This can help you with future growth.


We hope that after reading our top 5 reasons to hire a marketing agency, we have helped with answering some questions and encouraged you to think more about your businesses' marketing future. As a marketing agency, we have had tons of happy clients and would love to add more companies to our proud list. Contact us for a free consultation today.


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