The Importance Of A Strong Brand


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Why Your Company Needs a Brand 

A brand is a representation of your company -  customer service, reputation, quality, advertising and more. Branding is not just about getting your target market to notice you, but it's also about getting them to see that you are the best firm to solve their problem. 

A good brand will always deliver a clear message, show your credibility in the marketplace, emotionally connect individuals to your product or service, motivate your leads to become sales, and create user loyalty.

At Bold x Collective, whether you’re refreshing a brand or launching a new brand, in today’s competitive landscape having a brand that resonates with your target audience makes all the difference. We specialize in creating distinctive and influential brands that catch your target audience’s attention. We’ll make sure your brand doesn’t just capture market space, but also captures hearts and minds.

Branding goes beyond appearances. It’s more than just throwing together a bunch of shapes and colours. You want every experience someone has with your brand to be meaningful. This means, you have to find what makes your brand extraordinary (brand positioning) and then communicate it to your target audience through your brand’s visual identity system, brand narratives and messaging.

Keep reading to check out our list of reasons why you need a strong brand.


People usually do business with companies they are familiar with and feel comfortable with. If you have a consistent brand which is easy to recognize, it can help people feel like they can trust you more, which helps them, when purchasing your product or service. Visibility means familiarity, and that lends itself to trust.


Today's market grows at a rapid speed and it takes effort to stand apart in a crowded and saturated business environment. You need to stand out from the hundreds, thousands or millions of similar organizations. That is where a consistent, unique brand helps you secure a favourable position in a competitive landscape.


If someone truly admires your brand, they would love to share it with their friends. People wear brands, eat brands, listen to brands... they're always representing the brands they love, whether knowingly or not. Having a strong brand strategy makes you stand out which will always help your company with referrals and getting future business. Quality products and services lead to organic, genuine endorsements from your loyal customers.


A consistent, clear brand puts your customer at ease. They know exactly what kind of service they will be getting and will know just what the experience will be like, resulting in comfort and repetitive business. This is also great for your reputation, as customers who have consistently positive experiences are likely to share them through word of mouth.

Employee loyalty

A good brand does not only create loyal customers, but also loyal employees. A good quality brand gives people something to believe in and something that they can stand behind. In an era of transparency, employee experiences reflect back on a company just as much as customer experiences, so it is essential to ensure that all who interact with your brand – whether internally or externally – come out of that interaction with a good impression.


As a digital first agency, we come across clients who have amazing brands and are ready to invest in display advertising, search engine marketing, conversion rate optimization and social media advertising. We also encounter brands who want to invest in digital marketing, but their brand isn’t at its full potential. In this case, we always recommend investing in brand development because it will make other initiatives more effective in the long-run.

We develop full brand identity systems that consist of brand positioning, naming, logo design, colour palettes, typography, brand guidelines, voice, brand narrative, creative production and collateral development. At our Toronto digital agency, we’ll take it a step further by aiding in website design and development that is on-brand and ready to go from day one.


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