The Different Types Of Facebook Ads


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Facebook is a fantastic marketing platform. Most businesses across industries can benefit from Facebook Ads in one way or another.

Using Facebook Ads, you can choose the type of audience you'd like to target through different factors like demographics, interests, location and behaviours. And of course, you can choose your ad spend; the more you spend, the larger your reach becomes. 

At our agency, Bold x Collective, we’ve brought our clients some amazing results with a strong social media marketing strategy, consisting of Facebook Ads.

In this article, we discuss the variety of different ads Facebook has to offer. As you learn more about the types of ads, you can pick and choose what will work best for your business.

Dynamic Ads

These ads target your products or services to people that are most likely to be interested. One that has already visited a product page and even added an item to their cart (but abandoned it), would be great for dynamic ads. 

How this works is, Facebook tracks all users that have been on your website, using a Facebook Pixel that is installed in your website. These viewers look at your products or have added these products to their cart, but did not check out. 

From that point, Facebook begins to target the ads for each user based on the specific product he or she was looking at. 

We find that Dynamic ads are the most effective for products. They tend to be quite effective when pushing potential customers through the sales funnel, aiding and prompting them through their customer journey.

Carousel Ads

These ads are good for showing multiple parts of your business, such as a variety of products or services. This format uses a maximum of 10 photos or videos and works with a simple swipe through each graphic. This is especially great for fashion or interior design companies, or any business that is in a particularly visual or design-centric field.

Collection Ads

Collection ads are strictly for mobile devices where you can feature one or more products. Customers that are interested only need to click on the product they plan to buy.

Instant Experience Ads

Instant Experience ads are full-screen and load very quickly. They load faster than a mobile website other than Facebook.

Lead Ads

Lead ads give you the ability to capture names, emails and other basic information, such as questions you may have. The audience fills out the forms to provide this information to you.

They are made so people wouldn’t need to type too much information to provide their information your way. Lead ads are usually used to sign one up for a product trial or collecting newsletter subscriptions and more.

Photo Ads

Photo ads are one of the more intuitive options. They are very easy to create. You can use your own creativity to make them stand out, whether it is with text or an appealing image.

Slideshow Ads

You can create a video using some of your photo and video clips. This video can be created on Facebook where it becomes a slideshow ad.

With the right content, you can make a short video ad that is interesting and visually pleasing. This type of ad even gives you the power to add your own music or text. This multimedia format is likely to grab your audience’s attention.

If you don’t have the right imagery or videos, you can find royalty free content online.

Video Ads

Video ads perform better than static images 9/10 times on social media. 

The reasoning behind this is, they can show your products or services in a variety of engaging ways. You can show a customer using them or even your team using them, perhaps with an educational element involved. This type of ad can even be a teaser, just like a teaser for a film. Assuming you have the right content, of course. 

Seeing all the Facebook Ad options can be overwhelming, especially if you don’t have experience using them.

If you are ready to get started with running your very own ads for your business, get started with the Bold x Collective today.


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