The Benefits Of Digital Advertising


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A business without advertising is like a plane without a pilot. Why? Because by the year 2021, an estimated over two billion people are to make their purchases online. This huge figure encompasses both products and services.

With the right digital advertising strategy and brand awareness, your business can capitalize on this increased digitization see significant growth over time.

There are different forms of digital advertising strategies that work for each business. It always depends on the vision and goals of the company, whether it is getting more followers or selling more of your product or growing your name.

Below, we share an insight of the different types of digital advertising campaigns that have helped our clients achieve their goals.

1. Pay-Per-Click 

Pay-per-click, or PPC, ads have become quite common and effective over the years. PPC allows your website to rank in the top paid search engine results for certain keywords people search on Google. If your website is using trending keywords and other businesses are competing for them, you must pay for them. 

With that being said, PPC could get quite expensive, but it is worth it as your website will generate quality traffic. Chances are, most visitors are not coming to your site directly but use a search engine which redirects them there. People are searching for answers to their problems and chances are that your ideal client may solve their problem with you. 

2. Content Marketing

Content marketing is a growth strategy that drives both traffic and engagement. There are tons of different content options you can leverage including blogs, infographics, videos, photography, podcasts and so many more. 

When writing a quality blog post, you want to make sure you include not only accurate facts and information, but also the right keywords. When it comes to visuals, you want something appealing - something catch your target audience’s eye. This is something that an experienced content creator can put together for you, such as the Bold x Collective producers.

Along with amazing content, you need a consistent strategy to help get you the attention you deserve by your target audience. 

3. Social Media

Social media is an increasingly powerful tool. In order for social media to help you reach your strategic goals, you need to invest time and money into your presence across platforms. Not only this, but you also need to know which social networks work best for your business, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, TikTok or others. An experienced digital marketing company can help you launch your social media strategy. They research your demographic, target audience, competitors and other relevant inputs to create the next step with your social media. 

Along with being on social media organically, paid ads aid with brand awareness and lead generation. You can run ads on almost every platform including Instagram, YouTube and many more.

4. Email Marketing

An e-mail marketing campaign consists of newsletters. Including a call to action is crucial to generate conversions, such as a "sign up" form on your website so potential customers can know the latest buzz on your company or any promotions. These sign-ups are usually integrated on the homepage of a website via e-mail service providers. From there on, your e-mail marketing list begins to grow, helping you generate sales and optimize the reach and effectiveness of future campaigns.

Another great one is a drip sequence campaign. Have you ever left a product in your cart and forgot to check out, but later received e-mails reminding you about your forgotten item? This strategy works well for some companies and it's definitely worthwhile to experiment with considering its past success. 


Brand awareness and digital strategy help drive visibility to reach your target audience, which eventually brings you leads. If you are ready to get started on a digital marketing strategy, contact us at the Bold x Collective here.


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