Create a Killer Content Strategy


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A content strategy involves the development, plan, creation, delivery and management of all branded content. The purpose of a content strategy is to create intriguing, engaging content that aligns with your company's brand while connecting and attracting your target audience.

In 2022, composing the right message for your target customer is crucial to build your customer base. Checking off all the important points and meeting user expectations requires a strong, well-planned content strategy.

Organizations that have a content strategy, along with good content, are more likely to be successful than those not pursuing a content strategy. The Internet is a saturated place and creating a thorough map to help your business stand out digitally will definitely help accomplish goals in the long run.

So with that being said, check out our list of key components to keep in mind when creating a strong content strategy, written by our expert digital team.

1. Create content ideas based on your brands mission

What problem are you solving for your target audience? The answer to this question is a foundation for the type of content you need to create.

For example, if you run a skincare clinic, you want to create content that shows ‘before’ versus ‘after’ the treatment to demonstrate to potential clients what it is that you can do for them. For someone that is interested in a specific treatment, this is the ideal type of content they want to see because it is results–proof that the treatment worked. Another piece of content that would work is a video of the treatment in action performed by the nurse/practitioner. A piece of content like this would foster trust between your brand and target audience, as you are providing them with tangible video evidence of the treatment taking place for them to see.

2. Do an analysis of your target audience and their characteristics

You may want to evaluate their marital status, the type of philosophy they believe in, how much spare time they have, what their hobbies include, some habits they possess and their characteristics. All these factors usually depend on the industry you are researching.

Let’s go back to the skincare clinic example. Chances are that if someone is coming in for some sort of treatment, they may possess certain characteristics or lifestyle preferences. Firstly, they want to look younger, so age is a factor. Next, they may want to enhance their look because of their occupation – maybe your ideal client is a model, perhaps a news anchor or maybe an actor. Another ideal client profile may be someone following certain celebrities or can be interested in skincare, which are more factors to research. The more research you do on your target audience, the easier it will be to figure out characteristics, interests and what will work best in your strategy.

3. Know where you will be sharing your content

Instagram? Facebook? YouTube? TikTok? LinkedIn? Reddit? Pinterest? Each industry has platforms that work best for them.

Let’s look at the fitness industry. Currently, the best platforms for this industry tend to be Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, where trainers usually post videos of workouts, teasers and day-to-day progress. These are highly visual platforms, which is where the fitness industry tends to get the most exposure. In addition, the age group and type of content they consume also play a role in marketing for the fitness industry, which factors into the decision of which platform to invest in.

4. How will your target audience see your content?

Organic reach works to an extent – engaging, following, liking, hashtags, location tags and more work on all platforms. But to reach an even larger target audience, ad campaigns are key.

For example, if you are a restaurant owner running a Mother’s Day promotion on Facebook and Instagram, your followers and some more people on the web will see this promotion. But if you want more of your target audience to see this promotion, you need to invest in targeted ads. Ads give you the ability to go as specific as age, location, gender and several other factors. You can even go as far as re-targeting people that have once been on your website. This turns digital audiences into customers. The Bold x Collective team highly recommends ad campaigns for businesses that want to reach their target audience efficiently, which is also a key component of your content strategy.

5. How consistently do you plan on posting?

Part of knowing how to reach your potential customers is knowing when to reach them. Time of year, month, week, and even day make a huge impact on how content performs online. Is your target audience working 9-5 with a lunch break at noon? Or is your target audience stay-at-home moms looking for something to do during the day? These are factors that will help you figure out the best days and times to post. Analytics are highly effective in informing timing-related decisions by revealing when your target audience is most active online.

6. Someone needs to create your content

The roster of content creators is unlimited! It is ideal to post a nice mix of content, but it is always dependant on your industry. There are bloggers, videographers, photographers, editors for podcasts, influencers, graphic designers… the list goes on and on.

After figuring out what content is key for your audience, you need to have a foundation for the content creation side. Hire the right person or people, such as the Bold x Collective team, to assist you with this.

7. Maintain your brand style

Following brand guidelines is a must! From the tone and context you use in blog posts, the type of editing and filters on visuals, the type of influencers that made your brand look best, the style of graphics and more, you want your target audience to know it’s your content based on identifiable branded traits. This is one of the ways to create a memorable brand digitally.

The Bold x Collective team can guide you through the content strategy process to ensure you check off all key components of your checklist. In addition, our team of content creators can assist you with bringing your content vision to life.


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