Why You Need A Digital Marketing Strategy


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A digital strategy is an in-depth plan that focuses on how digital media and social platforms can help you to achieve your goals as an organization and ultimately grow your company. An effective digital strategy encompasses your service and content strategy, social media and engagement strategy, and e-commerce strategy along with data and measurement for your product or service.

A digital strategy is crucial and our team at Bold x Collective will share a list of reasons will explain exactly why.

1. You need to know what you want to achieve online

Companies that don’t have a digital strategy do not have a clear trajectory of what it is exactly that they aim to achieve online when it comes to gaining new customers or leads. The way to go about this is by seeking resources to help you create and reach online goals. Resources include in depth market research such as current trends, target market research, social listening, analytics and much more.

2. Know your online audience & marketplace

If you underestimate online customer demand for your services, you clearly have not researched this enough and you don’t know your online marketplace. There are certain factors that are researched when it comes to understanding an online audience and marketplace including different types of customer profiles and behaviours, competitors, propositions, marketing communications and much more. Digging deeper into these understandings will tell you how many people may be interested in your products and services and how you can reach them; the types of current trends and how you can fit into them and much more.

3. You content should be strategized

Content is a huge part of your digital marketing strategy. Content is what engages your audiences through different channels such as social platforms, email marketing, your blog and others. Creating content is great, but that in itself is not enough. All content should be strategically targeted. You need to know your audience’s preferred platforms, and what type of content they consume and engage with the most.

Create a piece of content that speaks to your audience and then craft it specifically to the type of content they consume most.

Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan.
— Unknown

4. Know your online customers, and know them well

The performance of digital marketing endeavours is measurable. This is where analytics comes into play. Analytics can be anything along the lines of how many people visited your website in a day, how many people engaged in your Instagram post and other metrics. Of course there is more than just this - you need to integrate various forms of user feedback tools to identify points needing improvement. These gaps are identifiable via marketing analytics, bounce rates, average time per page on your website, and the social listening aspect of your digital marketing strategy. The right approach to analytics makes the difference between getting leads and getting qualified leads.

5. keep your audience engaged

If you look at some of the world’s biggest brands, they consistently work towards gaining and keeping their online audiences. In the digital world the attention span of your target audience is low, and when it comes to mobile marketing that attention span gets even lower. Little things like user experience, user interface, mobile SEO and SEM, use of landing pages with properly developed lead magnets.

6. Your company must optimize

Everyone has access to analytics, but it’s important to keep track, review and act on them regularly. You need to keep an eye for the key aspects like search marketing, site user experience, engagement rates on your social platforms, cost per lead, cost per acquisition, bounce rates (the percentage of people who view one page of your site before leaving), exit pages (the last page someone views before leaving your website), email and social marketing and much more.

The digital media world is rapidly developing and businesses need to adapt now more than ever. Our team at Bold x Collective can assist you with creating a strong digital strategy that will take your business to the next level. If you are ready to take the next step, contact Bold x Collective and we can get you started on the right path.


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