Instagram Trends You Need to Know in 2022


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Since its inception in 2010, Instagram has transformed from a simple photo-sharing app into a crucial tool for business growth and digital marketing.

With more than one billion monthly users, harnessing the power of Instagram is imperative for achieving success in today's business landscape.

However, the dynamic and rapidly changing nature of social media, coupled with its fast-paced trends, can be overwhelming for both users and marketers alike, requiring constant vigilance.

That is why Bold x Collective has developed a comprehensive guide to ensure that current and aspiring social media marketers, brands, and content creators remain up to date with Instagram's projected trends for 2022. By staying informed, you can consistently drive your success on this ever-evolving platform.

Top 5 Instagram Trends of 2022

1. Reels

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, people crave quick and easily consumable information. In response to this demand, Instagram has introduced a feature called "Reels." Reels allows users to share short-form video content with a maximum duration of 60 seconds. This move by Instagram is a direct response to the immense popularity of TikTok and its success in producing bite-sized videos.

Both Instagram Reels and TikTok play a pivotal role in expanding the reach of your business profile and building a strong community. By consistently posting high-quality and relevant Reels that cater to your target audience, you can effectively attract your desired followers through Instagram's recommended feed content and personalized explore page.

Similar to regular Instagram grid posts, Reels offer creators increased visibility and potential reach. Creators can include up to 30 hashtags in the caption, utilizing the platform's generous 2,000-character limit, as opposed to TikTok's more limited 100-character limit per post.

For a more detailed guide on Instagram Reels check out this blog by Bold x Collective.

2. Public Activism

As the social media landscape is primarily influenced by Millennials and Gen Z, who are deeply passionate about social justice issues, it is no surprise that activism has found its way into the online sphere. In recent years, a heightened awareness of systemic inequalities and social issues has prompted many brands to take a stance and express their support in a divided social climate.

In an era where "cancelling" and "boycotting" companies due to their controversial beliefs has become prevalent, organizations have recognized the significance of utilizing their platform and influence to actively demonstrate their support for social movements and charitable causes, both through vocal expressions and financial contributions.

These social initiatives also involve implementing new programs and initiatives to support and empower their own employees affected by the social issues that resonate with their audiences.

Users are now showing their support for causes by sharing Instagram content related to social issues. This has created a new standard and expectation for brands to engage in activism on social media.

Younger consumers, in particular, are passionate about aligning themselves with brands that are vocal during times of injustice and are transparent about their policies, as it aligns with their personal and political values.

If your brand supports a particular movement or contributes to charities, don't hesitate to let your followers know. Show what you stand for and witness a significant boost in engagement and support.

3. Influencer Marketing

According to Instagram's 2022 Trend Report, an impressive 80% of Gen Z individuals believe that content creators and social media influencers have more influence on society and culture than traditional celebrities. In line with this, it is projected that 72.5% of marketers in the U.S will incorporate influencer marketing into their strategies this year. But what exactly is influencer marketing, and why is it so important in today's landscape?

In simple terms, influencer marketing involves partnering with social media content creators who have an established and engaged following within a specific niche. These influencers then promote your brand, products, or services through their social media platforms.

This marketing approach draws parallels to the concept of celebrity endorsements. However, influencer marketing places greater emphasis on the trust that influencers have cultivated with their followers. Influencers are often more relatable than A-list celebrities, as their fame is typically derived from their own efforts, making their audience trust them on a deeper level.

Choosing the right influencers who align with your brand's style and target audience is crucial for the success of your influencer marketing strategy. When you establish this alignment, the influencer's followers are highly likely to take an interest in your products or services, as they receive an endorsement from a creator who shares their interests.

4. Showcasing Your Brand Personality

While sharing visually appealing and high-quality photos is important, it's equally crucial to avoid appearing overly performative on your brand's social media. As social media platforms evolve into spaces for initiating conversations and fostering a sense of community, it's essential to reflect these changes on your Instagram account. Embrace authenticity and let your brand's personality shine through! This can be achieved through the tone of your writing, occasional memes, relatable non-business-focused content, Instagram story questions and answers, or even featuring team members in Instagram Live sessions. The possibilities are endless when it comes to showcasing your brand's unique personality.

Additionally, it's advisable to avoid excessive and repetitive product/service promotion and advertising. Instead, focus on creating content that is fun, exciting, or educational, rather than solely focused on sales. Constantly pushing promotional content can lead to user disengagement. This is why we at Bold x Collective believe in following the 80/20 rule of content marketing. When creating content for our clients, we strive for 80% educational and entertaining content, with only 20% dedicated to promotion.

5. Instagram Carousels for Increased Engagement

Achieving consistent high engagement with content is a challenge for every brand and creator. Fortunately, carousel posts offer a potential solution for increasing engagement.

Carousels, which allow users to swipe through a series of up to 10 photos or videos in a single post, boast the highest average engagement rate on Instagram, reaching nearly 2%. In comparison, images and videos typically yield engagement rates of approximately 1.7% and 1.45%, respectively.

The increased engagement of carousel posts can be attributed to their ability to captivate viewers and incentivize them to spend more time on your post. By prompting users to swipe through the carousel to view the complete content, you create a natural incentive for extended engagement.

Engagement on Instagram is not limited to likes, comments, and follows alone; it also includes swiping through all the images and/or videos within the carousel. This heightened engagement can positively impact your visibility within the Instagram algorithm.

Furthermore, carousels offer an effective way to present comprehensive and informative content. You can use the "swipe to learn more" feature to provide additional information, showcase different product angles, and share multiple photos from an event without overwhelming your feed with individual posts of similar content.


Navigating the ever-changing landscape of Instagram and its trends can feel overwhelming, but 2022 brings new and exciting opportunities in the world of social media. Fortunately, the experienced Bold x Collective Digital Team is here to provide guidance and support to brands in need.

With expertise in digital strategy and marketing, our dedicated research and marketing team can help you identify the most effective platforms to launch a highly successful marketing campaign for your brand. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation and let us help you get started on the path to success.


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