5 Reasons Your Business Should Invest In Professional Photos

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We often hear companies asking if they can use stock photos on their website, or simply take "professional" photos with their cell phones for all their marketing collateral, so they don’t have to make the financial investment of hiring a professional photographer. From a business development and marketing perspective, our answer to this is always a big fat NO.

When it comes to promotional photography, whether it's for a website, billboard, social media, print or digital marketing collateral, appealing, high quality photography will always make your business look more reputable. Professional photography can help your business maintain a cohesive brand identity.

Remember, today's society is highly visual. There is no denying that quality images can add to the success of a business. By building a brand identity, recognition and voice, your images can help craft a story that is understandable for your consumer.

Our creative team at Bold x Collective put together a list of five reasons on why you should hire a professional photographer for your business.


Here’s why you should hire a photographer for your business.

1. Show, Don’t Tell

Any website can use tons of text to explain their value, philosophy, products or services to their consumer. You could have the "best pizza in the city" or the "cleanest office in town” and even "the highest quality technology in the market," but how is this going to be believable without proof?

As mentioned earlier, today's society is highly visual, and will not take your word for everything. If you mention that you have a high quality restaurant or a diverse team behind your company, your consumer will need to see it in order to believe it. Being able to see this will build trust and will make your company look good.

Do you own a law firm with a team of diverse lawyers? Use professional headshots to showcase this. Are you working as a realtor and sold some of the most beautiful properties in the city? This is a must-share through visuals! Do you work at a high end Italian restaurant? Showcase the delicious menu through professional photos.

High quality, professional visuals are key!

2. On Brand Images > Stock Photography

Several businesses use stock photography… but is it really a good idea? As a creator and marketing specialist, I will always say no, unless it is for a blogging. You don’t want your website, marketing collateral and social media images to be full of stock images. This will take away from what your brand truly stands for. You want your own unique identity, because that is what is going to help your brand stand out amongst the others.

In addition, to this, you have to remember that there are tons of individuals and companies that have access to stock photography, so the last thing you’ll ever want is another business using the exact same photo as you. This will take away from your credibility.

The moral of the story is, have your own identity and use your own on-brand photos. This will reflect your business, so find the perfect photographer that will understand your brand, and will bring your brand identity to life through professional visuals.


3. High Quality Images = Better SEO Ranking

Better quality images will impact your SEO, also known as search engine optimization. This helps potential customers find your business organically on search engines. You can learn more about search engine optimization and its benefits here.

If your website is doing poorly with Google's algorithms, SEO is always worth the investment, and a part of SEO is adding higher quality images to your website, to get a higher organic ranking. You can add something called "alt texts" to your images, where you could insert keywords that resonate with the page you are optimizing. With this, search engines will crawl your pages, looking for quality images, optimized keywords and of course, readable content.

In addition to this, the more appealing images you will have on your website, the longer visitors will tend to stay because again, society is highly visual! You definitely want potential customers to spend more time on your website!

4. Professional Photography Will Help Showcase Your Products and Services

In order to generate sales and conversions, professional photos will help showcase your products and services. Being able to display what you are offering your customer, in a professional way, can help drive sales.

Before making a purchase, a consumer will most likely want to observe many elements of your product, which can include what the product looks like, the packaging, and even how the product or service is used. With that being said, you want to make sure your images are high quality and showcase your product in a great way. There is so much competition out there, that you need be stand out and show your potential customer why they should choose your product or service over another brand.

You'll need photography that captivates and grabs your consumers attention, and that's exactly why you need to hire a professional photographer that understands how to creatively do this.

5. Images Grab Attention!

Images, like good headlines, catch attention! When someone sees a chunk of text, changes are that they will ignore it, but if they see a chunk of text with an image supporting it, they are more likely to observe and read it. As humans, we all know that we tend to have a short attention span and get distracted pretty easily... I know I do. We tend to skim, whether it’s through blog posts, social media posts and even websites.

Personally, when I’m scrolling through social media channels like Instagram, I’m going to skim and stop where I find the best and most appealing images, and from there, I’m going to visit the profile of this business or individual. Then, if the type of content, products or business services resonate with what I’m interested in, or looking for, changes are that I’m going to click their website to learn more.

When skimming online, the highest quality, or best looking images are going to grab your attention. Photographers definitely understand this, which is why it’s important to work with a creative photographer, that will take the best photos possible, while keeping everything on brand.


Now that we understand how important professional content is, it’s important to get the right team to support your business, understand its values and use their creativity to bring the brands vision to life. It’s best to use a team that has built a reputation in the industry, like Bold x Collective. Learn more about our creative production services here. here. We’re here to help!


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