Everything You Need To Know About The Tiktok Ban


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Have you heard about the TikTok ban? At our digital marketing agency, our clients have been asking about the TikTok ban, a topic on everybody's minds recently these past months. So what is happening with the "TikTok Ban," and why is everybody freaking out? Here at Bold x Collective, we have been keeping up to date with everything going down with this potential ban; here is everything you need to know about it. 

This isn't new news, as TikTok has been attacked for years. As most people know, in August 2020, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that would ban TikTok from operating in the United States. However, the ban didn't take effect, as it faced legal challenges, and many courts ruled against him. But why is this ban gaining more attention from the TikTok community in 2024? 

After years of inspection, the United States House of Representatives passed a bill requiring ByteDance. This Chinese company owns TikTok, to sell off the social media app within six months or be banned from U.S. stores and websites. The U.S. Senate also voted and passed the bill with bipartisan support. President Joe Biden signed the National Security Act 2024, which includes the bill, into law on April 24, 2024. The bill gives ByteDance nine months to divest itself of TikTok and find new ownership for the social media company. This ban is expected to be a topic during the 2024 presidential election. Despite TikTok's claims of unconstitutionality, the company's CEO asserted that the app's users in the U.S. will continue to have access to the platform. At the same time, they challenge the law in court. The ban could potentially impact the millions of TikTok users in the country as well as the influencers and businesses who have built their brands on the platform.

Why Does the U.S. Want to Go Through All This to Ban TikTok?

The United States has contemplated banning TikTok for years due to national security concerns. The primary reason for this concern is that ByteDance, the Chinese company that owns TikTok, may leak U.S. user data to the Chinese government in case it is forced to do so. The U.S. lawmakers are worried about China-based ByteDance employees having access to some U.S. TikTok user data until Project Texas is implemented. While TikTok claims that it does not allow misinformation and is working hard to remove it, there are concerns over children's safety and content that promotes eating disorders, tobacco use, or suicide. Furthermore, data security, data leaks, and the company's data collection practices are also some of the concerns. Several lawsuits have been filed against TikTok by several states, while some universities have banned the app on their networks. The application is expected to be discussed in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

OBSTACLES of the Risk of Banning TikTok 

The TikTok ban faces several challenges that could inhibit its potential implementation. Firstly, TikTok is challenging the bill's legality, and the court challenge could tie up the implementation for months or years. Secondly, TikTok's young user base could be alienated politically, negatively influencing many young voters who enjoy the app. Additionally, many small and international businesses rely on the platform for their business model, and there are petitions and protests against the ban. Thirdly, gathering evidence to present that TikTok is a national security threat or a danger to users is another challenge to ban. This would involve determining the application from other social media companies and sparking calls for data privacy law reform. These challenges have reinvigorated a larger conversation about data privacy on all social platforms.

Why is Everybody Freaking Out About this Potential Ban? 

Many influencers and content creators on TikTok have built their careers on the platform. They have amassed millions of followers and established brand deals, sponsorships, and business collaborations. For some, TikTok is their only source of income. With the potential ban, these influencers are losing their livelihoods. They have taken to social media to express their concerns, with many urging their followers to support them by signing petitions and protesting against the ban. The possibility of losing their jobs and the platform that has given them a voice and audience is a significant reason why many are freaking out about this potential ban.

As a digital marketing and creative agency, we have many clients on TikTok, so we understand the implications of its loss. Many brands have had tremendous success and growth while building real, authentic communities. TikTok has given brands an opportunity to tell stories and showcase their personalities. We recommend brands also start utilizing additional social media platforms just in case, as it is key to future-proof your brand when it comes to marketing on social media. There are many platforms to use as a brand, including Instagram, X, Threads, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit, and more. That is where a social media strategy comes into play; take the time to research and understand each platform and which resonates with your target audience, whether you are a product or service-based business. If you need that extra assistance, get in touch with our marketing team; we’re here to help you gain a better understanding of your best platforms! 

What’s Next?

In conclusion, the TikTok ban is challenging due to national security concerns. Despite legal challenges, the U.S. Congress passed a bill requiring ByteDance to sell TikTok or face a ban. The ban could impact millions of TikTok users, influencers, and businesses. However, the ban faces legal issues, the app's young user base, and potential loss of livelihoods. The future of TikTok in the U.S. is uncertain, and the ban is expected to be a topic of discussion in the upcoming 2024 Presidential election. 

As a digital marketing and creative agency, the team at Bold x Collective is here to provide all our users with updates. Find us on social media @boldxcollective to get the latest updates.


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