Build a Successful Video Marketing Strategy with These Steps


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Brochures, photos, advertisements – they all sound familiar when it comes to marketing, don’t they? What about video marketing? Let’s delve.

With the ever-growing amount of visual content present during current times, it is imperative to orchestrate a strong visual presence in your marketing method. It’s a must-have – that is, if you want your brand to get noticed. There is something so alluring about video content, and that too, for marketing purposes. People love to watch videos, period. Look at it as an exquisite way to find the connecting bridge between the value your product or service offers directly to your customers and target audience.

It’s a guarantee that you’ll be striking a chord when you invest in putting together an excellent video marketing strategy – prepare yourself to grab the attention of your desirable clients!

Keep reading to learn more about the Bold x Collective way of building a successful video marketing strategy.

You ought to tell a story – make sure it’s a damn good one.


Who Is Going to Be Compelled to Watch Your Videos?

Know your target audience, and that should be nailed. Otherwise, it’ll be like firing out Instagram posts for the sake of it but not really having a direction to pinpoint. Quality over quantity always.

Conquering your campaign begins with extracting information – your research is gold. What does your audience resonate with? Which one of your platforms is visited most frequently? What’s your objective? More sales or maybe growing your online presence?

With these factors put into play, it’ll be easier to produce the right videos.

Brand Alignment

Think of your videos as an extension of your fabulous brand – aim to cultivate that into your video marketing strategy too. Consistency creates trust, and carrying that communication across your various marketing methods assures success. Some of your clients might just be the real ones who keep up with you across all platforms, so you really want to opt for a clear message of your brand – do you they understand your story and what it reflects in your new video marketing strategy?

If you have succeeded in marketing through other strategies, it’s not a bad idea to pull from what you did well there and flip that onto this respective strategy.

Video Marketing Types

Ok, so where do you start? First, you learn that you need a video marketing strategy, but now there’s something more. Yes! Identifying what type of video content you are going to create.

There are several and they all speak out differently, underneath your brand’s message. The content can entail education, animations, demo videos, going live, 360 virtual reality tours, personalization, interviews, branding and what your company does or simply behind the scenes (which is a great way to be real with your customers).

If you know your narrative, it will help you select the right type of videos to create.

Financial Investment and Production


Really understand what it means to create quality content and then birth it! You seriously do not want to throw your money around when it comes to this because it truly is a worthy investment. The clear objective here is to know exactly what you need and then seek out the right resources to help you manifest it.

Please note that you don’t necessarily have to invest hundreds or thousands of dollars into doing this, it’s all about what type of output you are trying to obtain and that might not end up costing you as much. So what do you and your team need to invest in? Depending on your scalability and your target audience, some things might be – planning, videography, a script, filming location, what or who will be featured in showcasing your product or brand’s message, music, and video editing.

Maybe you and your team can already fill these roles which would cut costs or would potentially need to hire others. But with the right planning and being wise about your budget, you’ll be able to carry out a flawless production. It’s all about identifying the details.


Be strategic when it comes to the game of marketing. Play your cards right. Start with a few videos and test out the waters constantly. This type of feedback will show you that a) you are on point b) you need to reevaluate.

Getting to know your metrics like where your traffic is coming from, view counts, comments, how many people clicked on your paid ads and the engagement rate are important to analyze. These bring an abundance of data that will either make or break your video marketing strategy.

With the highly useful statistics, let it drive your performance to elevate, to do better. Innovation is key.


If you are going to be sharing on several channels, be sure to optimize for each of them. Every platform has different algorithms, and the goal is to get a substantial amount of engagement through whichever one you set forth on, if not, all of them.

On your part, you need to figure out how each platform functions in terms of optimizing. This could mean something like hitting the right set of keywords on one platform or say posting your video content on Instagram as an advertisement during specific times. Others might be targeted for mobile use, perhaps even posting on YouTube, which may require really eye-catching captions to pique interest. It does come down to really knowing which platform will help you get the best kick!

Each platform is designed with tools to help you figure out how to succeed at getting your brand out there, and with some paid advertising, it’ll help you leverage your brand and product.

At the end of the day, what is going to count is the fact that you have done everything in your power, creating an output through all of the various details to supercharge your video marketing strategy

If you need help creating a strong video marketing strategy, that will capture your audiences’ attention, our team at Bold x Collective is here to help.


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